Sunday, March 29, 2009

My photo editor now seems to be allowing me to edit my photos!

Here are photos of a few of the things I have been doing lately!
The little guy, "Brubby", and I went for a walk at a local park one day. You can see he was intrigued by the Canadian Geese that are always at the pond! It was too he kept approaching the geese he was telling them to GO, GO! He wanted them to go in the water...which they did, with a BIG splash that Brubby loved!
I snapped a few other shots at the same park and then last weekend when I was at the beach, I found two young boys flying kites. The wind was almost TOO STRONG for kites, but it was worth 'freezing' to watch those kites soaring!

If you visit my other blog, "Walking God's Way" you'll see a mosaic I did of some recent "Spring" shots here in CT! I'm SO glad that Spring has arrived!
Hi friends!

Wow...last post I made here was 29 days ago!! WHAT have I been doing??? And even WITHOUT TV for the past month! I did have some trouble with my photo editor so my zest for blogging was dampened. It's not quite as much fun to post an entry when you can't share photos. I'm working on the problem and HOPE I've straightened it out!

Life goes is great, warm weather is approaching (or at least some signs of it)! My 'charges' and I have begun counting down the days until we head to Maine for the summer! It seems like we just got home from our summer at camp and already we are approaching the time to head north once again!

I sure wish I'd be able to post photos and such of my dear, sweet charges....cause they are just so adorable and fun! I respect my employer and others associated with her work, though, so I try to stick to my own life. As this blog conveys, my life is quite mundane to most people. Life for me is filled with GOD things and the stuff of His Kingdom. I seek out little entertainment (for entertainment's sake) and I'm very selective when it comes to relationships and 'people pursuits'. I do TRY to be open to those relationships that God ordains and orchestrates, but it gets a bit tricky, cause in and of myself....I'd just as soon be alone (sitting in the library or going for a walk, etc.) I admit that I have to FORCE myself to engage with others at times. (Not sure what that's about....cause I do LOVE people and enjoy getting to know what 'makes them tick', etc.) ?? Who knows, it may be a 'shield' of some sort. I tend to protect myself and guard my heart carefully. I was just thinking about this yesterday....and wondered if there may be a spiritual angle in this 'shielding' of my soul ?? (another post...probably for my other blog) :)

Anyway....I am sending love and saying my HELLO's to any blog readers! I am heading to PA for a brief visit very early this Sunday morning, April 5. Isn't that the date for Palm Sunday?? I will be visiting family and friends....and YES....watching TV!!! I will stay in my parent's home while I'm visiting Beaver Springs (they are currently in FL) and they have CABLE TV! Something I have not experienced since March of 2006! :) When I DO get the opportunity to view cable...I'm a remote freak!! Again...I have been known to sacrifice RELATIONSHIPS and spend vacation time in front of the TV!! Pretty weird, huh? :) I also CANNOT WAIT to see my little grandson, who I am sure is growing like a weed! He will be 1 year old the end of May, so he is at an awesome age! (I'm sure I'll find out that EVERY age of my grandchildren are "awesome ages"!)

I HOPE I can add a post sooner than another 29 days! I will most definitely be taking my familiar PA photos and will share them with my blog readers!

I have been posting more entries on my other blog lately....Walking God's Way. You may have visited that site in the past, it's a blog that shares my spiritual journey and Christian faith walk. Anyone is most welcome to visit that blog and leave a comment. I also spend time at . If you use facebook, feel free to look me up (Lindy Kline-Geertz) and be my friend! Until the next post.....hope all is right in your world and that you know the Christ who saved me! :)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

I worked on a few craft projects today. Pictured is the start of the spring banner I am working on. The best word I could think of to use on a banner for spring...was HOPE. I'm actually making two of these but have no clue at this point what I'm going to do with them! Also finished an "Easter Egg" decoration that I started last weekend. This might go on my front door!

Last weekend I made a couple head bands that I might try to sell on 'etsy'. I currently don't have a store there, but I might check out the site and try to do some selling. I don't have many items so I hesitate to do this....maybe eBay would be better? I could give the head bands to the girls, but I've already given them SO MANY! They could wear a different head band every day for a few weeks!

"Could-a, Should-a, Would-a"!

Friday I was driving in Darien and caught a glimpse of ....YES!!!...Crocus blooming! They were white and peaking up through some dried leaves and other rubbish. How I LOVE to watch for these first signs of SPRING! I "COULD-A" stopped and taken a photo....but I was in a fairly busy residential area and didn't stop. :(

Yesterday I took my three charges to my church's annual Spaghetti Supper. (I'm a nanny to three of the greatest children in the world....ages 5, 4 and 1.75). The kids all behaved WONDERFULLY and the yummy dinner was followed by a 'Talent Night". Earlier in the month, I had discussed with another mom, the idea of the children of the church (and my charges) all joining together to sing a little 'kiddie song' for this Talent Show, however, we sort of left the idea drop and really didn't make any definite plans. I had, however, mentioned the idea to "Monkey" and "Peanut", my two older charges, and suggested we might sing "Jesus Loves Me". We even 'rehearsed' the song in the car earlier in the week and again as we traveled to last night's supper. Nothing more was said to the children, but as the kids sat in the front row last night, with two other little ones from the church, one of my charges spoke up and told the Pastor (as he introduced the Talent portion of the evening) that they were going to sing a song! As he 'bantered' with the kids about singing, I spoke up and told the pastor that the kids DID practice a song and would like to sing! I helped the kids out a little bit, but really didn't need to since the older girls sang their little hearts out! The middle child ("Peanut") even did the hand motions to the song and when she sang, "They are weak, but He is strong", she raised her hands and squeezed her fists to show His strength as hard as she could! It was SO CUTE! I "SHOULD-A" taken a photo, but didn't. :(

If I HAD been prepared to take advantage of these recent photo opportunities, I "WOULD-A" had a much nicer blog entry for today!

This was a lesson to KEEP THE CAMERA READY!! Have a SUPER Lord's Day!