Sunday, October 26, 2008

Another glorious day in CT! The sun is shining, slight breeze is blowing and temps are in the mid-60's!

I played the piano this morning at church and spent some quality time with friends there. I am growing to love the church family where I currently worship and find the pastor VERY grounded in Truth. Today's message focused on 'false prophets' and confirmed exactly what was taught yesterday at an unrelated Bible Study that I attend every week.

Spent a few hours reading and 'sunning' at the beach and as I was driving home, I caught sight of an artist, seated by the side of the road overlooking the landmark stone bridge here in Darien, CT. She was capturing the beautiful sights of autumn on canvas. Wish I were an artist. :) Or....wish I had free time to develop the tiny glimmer of artistic talent that I have.

I re-potted two nice asparagus ferns into a single wooden crate to bring indoors for the winter. Not sure how that will work, as I THINK these ferns tend to be dirty. Anyone have any experience with asparagus ferns? So far, they look great and add some GREEN LIFE in my living room.

I have off work tomorrow and have a few tasks I want to accomplish. I am thinking I'll make a few posters/invitations that will help to promote an 'open door' prayer opportunity that my church is sponsoring next Saturday morning. I'll visit a few local 'hot spots' tomorrow and hang the finished posters on bulletin boards. (good reason to have lunch at Panera Bread!) I hope to do more work on the material that I am creating for nursing home visitation and ministry. It seems the closer I get to completing this project, the more material I find to enlarge and extend the project! I am also in the contemplating / planning stage of designing a project for two Christmas gifts and would like to do a bit of work on that project. So far, I have the 'vision' for the project, but I need to 'dig in' and start selecting fabrics and colors to use. I will be creating a 'lettered' flag banner for each of the girls to hang in their bedroom. I'll keep you posted on that project and provide more explanation and photos as it comes to fruition!

When I have a day off work, I seem to have the mindset that I should just RELAX and do nothing, yet, it is one of the few opportunities I have to take advantage of a large chunk of time and actually be productive! What's your vote? DO NOTHING or BE PRODUCTIVE???

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sunday greetings to all...

Last night I worked from 5 pm until about 11 pm. I took materials along with me to do some crafting after all the little ones were soundly 'tucked in' for the night.

I enjoy making hair bands and barrettes for the two little girls that I care for. I've made many different styles of hairbands, clips and barrettes during this last year. For the hairbands, I use both the hard plastic-type and the stretchy elastic bands. I can't seem to locate the photos I have of the many hairbands I've made, but the themes have included 'spring flowers', patriotic, 'buttons and bows', glitter and gold, princess, back-to-school and other styles that match specific dresses that the girls have. The girls LOVE the hair bands and their teachers and other moms always look for new designs! Tomorrow the girls will be able to wear "Halloween Hairbands" to school!

I sorted through materials that I had on hand and was able to locate 3 black plastic headbands and miscellaneous ribbons and trim that would be suitable for a Halloween theme. Previously in the day I purchased a small pack of Halloween buttons to embellish the head bands. About 9:00 pm I set to work with the glue gun, scissors, wire cutters, ribbons and buttons. By 10:15 pm I had the new creations completed and the mess cleaned up! As I do most any type of craft, design or decorating project, I tend to create as I go. I select the raw materials and then let my creativity run!

Some crafters and artists enjoy lots of planning and long, tedious art and craft forms, like quilting, needlework and more detailed painting. I like "short and sweet" projects! Any project that can be completed in one sitting is SUPER for me! I enjoy most any activity that can be accomplished quickly and where I am able to see "instant" results. Flower arranging, computer graphics and even cleaning are some of my favorite past time activities that offer quick rewards for little effort and 'investment'. Recently, one of my MANY visionary 'schemes' has been to create bridal head pieces and sell online. I am a great one to 'DREAM', though I seldom 'DO'; I guess Vera Wang won't have to worry!

Anyone have any comments or thoughts about why some people can feel OK and 'at ease' doing long-term projects, while others (like me) need QUICK results and would become bored or perhaps frustrated with an 'open-ended' project? Which method is YOUR style and why? I'd love to hear from you!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Hi friends...

Today I work from 12-9 pm so I'm taking a little time to post an update.

Not a whole lot of news here. I was glad to be back to work yesterday, even though my shift began at 7:30 am! I shuffled kids to schools, brought "Brubby" home for a morning nap then spent some time walking with the little guy at a local park. The ducks at the pond sure intrigued the 1 year old and the next time we visit that park we'll take 'food' for the ducks! Lunch for the kids and I consisted of leftovers and that was followed by afternoon naps, during which time I prepared a casserole for supper and did a bit of organizing/cleaning. My work day was capped off by another outing to pick up the oldest from school.

The cutest thing happened yesterday as we traveled back and forth to school. "Peanut" announced during our morning travel time that she saw a "John Deere" sign! I found it odd that she would have recognized the familiar (to me) green and yellow trademark colors of John Deere, but remembered that she is quite familiar with a John Deere "Gator", a golf cart-like utility cart, that the family uses during the summer and assumed she spotted an advertisement for John Deere along the road. (though HIGHLY unlikely in Fairfield County, CT) Unfortunately no one else saw the sign so we just commented to Peanut and acknowledged her discovery.

On the return trip in the afternoon, I decided to take the same route to the school, specifically so that Peanut could view the sign we hadn't been able to find it on the way home during the morning run. (must admit I WAS a bit curious about this sign!)

As we drove, I began asking questions about this "John Deere" sign and after much investigation, realized that the sign "had antlers", as Peanut described. I truly had no clue that a John Deere logo included a picture of an antlered deer.

I smiled as I drove and realized NOW what Peanut had seen! I finally spotted the big yellow sign, right by the edge of the road and yep.....there was a picture of an antlered deer, leaping across the sign!

Of course, what Peanut had seen was a sign indicating potential "deer crossing" in the area. Somehow, somewhere, Peanut had become familiar with a John Deere logo, enough to associate this very similar "deer" image on the highway sign with "JOHN DEERE". :) How cute is that?

What a joy to be a nanny for these three wonderful kids!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Did a bit more photo snapping today since our weather here in CT was fabulously warm and sunny! Any photos below can be enlarged with a click!

I spent two hours at the beach this afternoon and as I left, noticed these three empty chairs.

As I drive home from Darien to Norwalk (where I live), I pass a small cemetery in the town of Rowayton. Today I drove into the cemetery grounds, parked my car and started snapping photos.
Here are two photos taken at the cemetery. I like the fall foliage with the flag!

I live quite close to this very large high school in Norwalk; so close that I hear the band playing at the football and other games nearly every night! This "country bumpkin" came from a high school graduating class of about 85 students! A GENEROUS 'guesstimate' would have been about 500 students MAX. in the entire 7-12 grades at good old West Snyder High School! Brien McMahon High School is HUGE! Take a gander at other pics and read about the school's history and demographics....very interesting to compare this city school to Midd-West High School, a school in rural, 'small town' PA where I grew up. *Take note of the average teacher's salary at this school in Norwalk....$89,587.00! Any PA teachers want to move to CT? Although, be advised that Norwalk teachers pay about $1500.00 - $2000.00 AND UP for rent each month for a reasonable home or apartment! Guess it's all relative!

The last photo is of my home. I live in the upstairs apartment. The house was recently painted and new shutters were added. I think they were brown formerly and now are maroon. Anyway, I have a very well maintained home and good landlord. I'm blessed.

I began my day at church and was blessed as a church member shared his personal testimony and reminded us all that God IS who He says He is and He will do what He says He will do! It was a strong message of FAITH.

Tomorrow is another day off work for me...guess I'll celebrate Columbus Day!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Hi bloggers...

I was snapping photos today as I journaled my activities of the day!

This first photo I took as I drove home from my weekly Bible study. This highway is the Merritt Parkway, which I think is a lovely stretch of road running east and west through CT. I snapped the photo to try to capture the fall foliage, which really is not even near it's peak yet. The Merritt Parkway was named for a US Congressman and was opened in 1938. It is one of the oldest scenic parkways in the US. Check out more information on the Merritt Parkway at

Following Bible study at the mall in Trumbull, CT, I had my van washed. Pictured is my Ford Freestar mini-van going through the car wash at "Splash". The cool thing at this car wash are the two 'soap guns' that are shown in the photo. I asked the two youngsters who are pictured to demonstrate the "soap guns" for my photo...they happily obliged! I have been known to use the guns myself on occasion! They shoot colored soap foam onto the vehicle as it passes in front of the window!

Next photo was taken at Pear Point Beach in Darien today. I spent about 3-4 hours relaxing at this beach and taking in the wonderful SUNSHINE that was very abundant in CT today! I clipped recipes and did some crossword puzzles as I enjoyed the sun! If you click on this photo to enlarge it, you will see the northern coast of Long Island in the distance!

The last photo I snapped as I drove home from the beach. This stone bridge is a landmark of the town of Darien, CT and really is quite beautiful in architecture and style. For more history and photos on this bridge and town of Darien, visit the Wikiepedia link of Darien, CT. I pass over this bridge nearly every day as I go about my duties related to work.

In the middle of my leisure activities today, I stripped my bed and laundered my sheets and blankets. I dried all of those items outdoors and now my entire bedroom smells of fresh linen! Can't wait to crawl under clean sheets! YUM!

I had a lovely day today and am thoroughly enjoying my 3-day weekend! Hope your weekend is going well!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Ah.....a THREE day weekend! I am so blessed to have paid vacations and Monday, as you know, is Columbus Day!

I'm dragging once again tonight. Not so much from work, as my daily duties were fairly light today. (Grandpa was visiting and shared the afternoon with the girls, making pottery projects!) My biggest tasks today were preparing two meals "from scratch"; Chopstick Chicken, a family favorite casserole for lunch and a big pot of vegetable chili and home made cornbread for dinner. After those tasks were accomplished, I spent the late afternoon playing at the beach with a 1 year old!

We are having a wonderful streak of BEAUTIFUL weather; much more like September than October! I am relishing every moment of it!

This evening after work, my daughter and I popped in to Subway and picked up the $5.00 foot long sub deal. We went to a nearby park to share our sub and I enjoyed a relaxing time. We then headed to the dreaded grocery store... where we spent the next 1 1/2 hours stocking up on necessities and other "NON-NECESSARY" stuff of course!

How many of you come home from the grocery store with FAR MORE than you ever planned on purchasing? And.....Have you ever bought stuff that you were SURE you HAD to have, only to end up throwing it out 'cause you didn't get around to using it????? Oh....I am guilty there! What a waste!

We Americans live very carelessly and even "extravagantly", compared to many people in the world. From those of us who are moderately secure in our finances (IF there are any of those folks left these days!!) to the poorest of Americans, we have it better than many, many people of third world countries! I have often said that if schools sent their students on 'class trips' to third world countries, instead of the Bahamas and Jamaica and other vacation spots, Americans would grow to be a more conservative and much more THANKFUL and THRIFTY nation.'s GOOD to be home and relaxing for the next THREE days!
I pray weekend blessings to all!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

This has been a long week....and it's only Wednesday!

I have worked 8 am - 4 pm three days this week and I guess I'm just not used to the early morning 'daily grind'. The whole "early to bed, early to rise" philosophy has not been working very well for me lately!

Now, I have worked many jobs when I have had to report to work even earlier than 8 am and I actually ENJOYED the morning hours and had no problems heading out to work early, but for some reason, these days.....I appreciate and enjoy a 'slow start' in the morning. I like my cup (or two) of tea in the morning and I cherish the extended morning hours for Bible reading, prayer and meditation.

Perhaps because my brain is still on "summer hours" schedule, or perhaps it's sipmly that I have not been getting the sleep I need, I don't know, but I am not feeling "on top of my game" this week. I have a few aches and pains that are occuring with this 'out of the ordinary' work schedule and that fact doesn't make the days (specifically the mornings) any easier!

Well, tonight I am sure THANKFUL that tomorrow's work day begins at 11 am! **OH....Happy Big "40" Birthday to my nephew, Brandon! WOW...40 years!!!

What time do YOU get up and 'out the door'?

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Hi bloggers! Happy Sunday Afternoon!

This morning was my weekly worship service and fellowship afterward. The morning at church was very enriching. I came home and straightened up my bedroom, my closet and my mess of shoes, clothes and various 'eBay auction items' that are designated for sale this week. After those tasks were finished, I decided to forage for some lunch.

What I found in the fridge was a surprise! Seems my daughter was at it again and made a quiche yesterday. It looked yummy and smelled even better! After I spread some cream cheese and some 'pumpkin butter' on a bagel, I decided my little plate of lunch looked so good I'd snap a photo and share it with the world! I have now consumed my lunch which consisted of a delicious portion of vegetable quiche, a mini-bagel and cup of hot tea! Lunch was great! The day is going fabulously and I am a 'happy camper'!

How was YOUR lunch today and who was the cook?

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Not sure where you are or what your weather is today but here in Norwalk it is a GLORIOUS autumnal 60 degree day! I am off to the beach for some solace and intermittent sunshine!

I work tonight at 6 pm and need to close my eyes and pray, dream, sleep...whatever for an hour or so before squaring off with three little ones for the evening!

Anyone else have sunshine today? Care to share how (or if) you got to enjoy the SUN today?

Best to all of you! Hope you experienced SON-shine in your life today also!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Good Morning Blog friends!

Today I work from noon until 8 pm so I have some time this morning to post an update on life!

While my daughter continues to cook at home, I do all my cooking at work! Yesterday I cleaned a whole chicken which I roasted the day before...took me the better part of an hour! I then made a new recipe, "Chicken Stew with Biscuits". (stock photo) My employer bought a new cookbook with 'down home' type recipes; this recipe was one she wanted to try. I left work at 3 pm yesterday so I haven't gotten the report on the finished product and the 'review' from the children yet! The 'stew' part tasted very good and all my employer had to do was to top it with canned biscuits and bake. It sure looked good!

I worked so hard yesterday, I was DRAGGING til I got home! Not sure why, but I guess just NON-STOP action is tiring! My youngest charge is SO BUSY!! He literally CLIMBS everything! He 's actually quite good at climbing but, he IS only 1 and of course, there are spills and falls and required assistance and supervision while he practices his new skills of climbing! My part in that equation forces me to drop everything else that needs to be accomplished, which then forces me to work DOUBLE-TIME while he is napping! Oh well....a little work never hurt anyone. A friend of mine always says, as I whine about being tired, "you'll sleep well tonight"! Waaa, waaaa....I'd prefer sympathy! :)

Best to all for this day!