Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I don't me some of this agenda seems pretty far from God's agenda:

(taken from "Slice of Laodicea" blog and paraphrased from site)

"Within an hour of his swearing-in, the following was posted on the official White House website, as Obama’s immediate “civil rights” goals.

* Protect cross-dressing and transgenderism in workplace (including schools) through federal law: Pass “Employment non-discrimination Act” [EDNA] to prohibit “discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity or expression”.

* Expand hate crime statutes, including the radical “Matthew Shepard Act” which would allow the federal government to prosecute and punish if the crime was perceived to be “motivated by prejudice based on the actual or perceived . . . gender, sexual orientation, gender identity” of the victim.

* “Reinvigorate” the federal Department of Justice to pursue prosecution current hate crime laws against citizens.

* Repeal the Defense of Marriage Act [DOMA]

* Push for full civil unions and federal recognition of homosexual couples, with benefits equal to actual marriage. (This appears to be leading up to full federal recognition of same-sex “marriage”.)

* Allow homosexuals to serve openly in the military - repeal “Don’t ask don’t tell.”

* Use the federal government to expand adoptions of children by homosexuals.

* Using the federal government to push for more sex-education and contraception in schools and throughout society (especially in light of the goal to repeal DOMA)."


Anonymous said...

Sorry, Lindy, but I have too much joy in my heart, celebrating the awesome inclusiveness expressed through Christ's love for ALL of his children and how well this has been expressed in Washington this week. No time for exclusions.....

Anonymous said...

Sorry, it took so long to respond...but you are right Lindy. It is your blog and your opinions. So, I'll leave it as we can agree to disagree. Hope you get rid of your cold (Dad always said "seven days coming and seven days going!") and the water issue gets taken care of soon!

~ Lindy ~ said...

Beverly... I didn't know you visited this page til you commented the other day. Even though we disagree, it's so good to know you are 'there' :) It's been WAY too long that we've been together. life just is brutal sometimes....demanding far more than we can/should give at times. not sure when i'll be back in PA again.... but we can keep in touch via facebook if you ever pop in there. or here :) love you always....